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Norse and Viking symbols and their meanings

November 09, 2023 26 min read

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Norse and Viking symbols and their meanings - Viking Heritage Store


Dive into the heart of Viking mysteries through their ancestral symbols. The Viking era is marked by a legacy of mystical symbols, woven into the very fabric of their culture. These icons, ranging from the famous Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, to the mysterious Valknut, associated with funeral rites, and the imposing Yggdrasil, the tree of life, are not mere decorative motifs. They embody ancient wisdom, spiritual beliefs, and the warrior values of these legendary navigators.

In this detailed article, we decode the power and hidden meaning behind these captivating symbols. We invite you to explore with us the depth of Norse mythology, to discover the ritual practices of the Vikings, and to understand how these symbols shaped the identity of a proud and powerful people. Perfect for history buffs and the past-curious, our content is optimized for intuitive discovery, leading you from the distant shores of Scandinavia to the rune-engraved pages of history.

Join us for an educational and fascinating journey to the time of the Vikings, where every symbol tells a story of conquests, magic, and everyday life within one of history's most intriguing civilizations.



The Valknut is a Nordic symbol, specifically associated with the god Odin. It is often depicted as a tri-knot as it consists of three interlocking triangles.

It is said that Odin wore the Valknut (a symbol of death) around his neck or on his belt, and the symbol has been found on many Viking artifacts such as fibulae and sword handles. Perhaps because Odin would take the souls of dead warriors to Valhalla when they died in battle.

The name "Valknut" comes from the Old Norse word "valr", meaning to fall or die, and "knut", from the Old English word "cnytt" or "cnytte", meaning a knot or a tie. Together, these words describe how the symbol has been interpreted as representing death; specifically, that souls are captured by this knot when they die and go to Valhalla.

In addition to being worn by Odin and referenced in Norse mythology, the Valknut has appeared throughout history in other cultures. Some accounts suggest that the symbol was used in Viking funeral ceremonies specifically to ward off evil spirits. The symbol has also made appearances in other mythologies throughout history, such as those associated with Native Americans and the ancient Egyptians.

The Valknut symbol represents the power of the human spirit and the endless cycle of life and death. It serves as a reminder to embrace our mortality and to live each day with purpose and intention. Wearing this symbol serves as a constant reminder to embrace our challenges and to face them with courage and strength. It's a powerful reminder to always aspire to greatness and to never give up on our goals and dreams.



The Aegishjalmur, commonly called the Helmet of Awe, is an emblematic representation of protection and strength among Viking symbols. This particular Viking symbol is an eight-branched star with interlocking lines at its center. It was of great importance to the Vikings, as it was believed to help them achieve victory in battles.

This ancient symbol was found engraved on helmets as early as the 6th century, but its origins are much older. Indeed, the word "helmet" is thought to come from "halm", which means "wave", and the Aegishjalmur is supposed to represent wave patterns in its design. This could suggest that the Aegishjalmur was used to protect sailors from sea monsters—a theory supported by the belief that Thor made his boat from the Aegishjalmur after using it to defeat a sea serpent called Jormungandr.

According to Norse tradition, wearing or displaying "Norse symbols" like the Aegishjalmur is supposed to provide protection against lies, slander, witchcraft, and other potential dangers to a person's life. The Aegishjalmur is also supposed to enhance mental abilities and confer control over others. When faced with adversity in your professional, educational, or personal life, the Helmet of Awe serves as a perpetual reminder to persevere and never surrender.

Wearing a Viking symbol such as a Aegishjalmur ring can provide the inner strength and resilience needed in the face of tough challenges or attacks against your character. Embrace the Helmet of Awe as a proud emblem of your determination to overcome obstacles and achieve success.



It holds cultural and spiritual significance: The Vegvisir, also known as the Viking Compass, is a traditional Norse/Viking symbol believed to offer guidance and protection on the journey of life. It is considered a magical compass that helps people navigate through bad weather and difficult terrain, allowing them to find their way even when they are lost or disoriented. The symbol consists of a circle from which eight branches or rays emanate, each ending in a distinctive hook or arrowhead.

The Viking Age marked the historical importance of the Vegvisir. Today, it has become a popular symbol of protection and guidance. People often get this symbol tattooed or use it as a decorative element in jewelry. However, scholars and enthusiasts continue to debate its origins, precise meaning, and significance.

If you are looking for a meaningful and inspiring way to stay true to your path, consider wearing jewelry with a Vegvisir Viking compass. The Viking compass symbolizes direction and strength and can serve as a constant reminder to stay focused on your goals, no matter the challenges encountered. With its complex and captivating design, a pendant or a Viking compass bracelet is a beautiful way to honor your heritage and add a touch of magic to your everyday life.



The Viking runes are a writing system used by the Norse peoples during the Viking Age, from the 8th to the 11th century. This period is known as the Viking Age because it was then that the Vikings conducted raids, traded, and explored much of Europe and North Africa. The writing system, called Futhark, evolved over time and eventually fell into disuse.

This writing system had many practical applications. For example, Viking runes were a useful way to keep track of people's names and their relationship to the owner of the runestone. The owner would carve their name as well as information indicating whether they were son or daughter, husband or wife, father or mother, and other details as appropriate. In some cases, the owner also carved instructions on how they wanted to be buried. This type of runestone is called an "epitaph".

Like many other cultures of the time, the Vikings believed that writing held power. Unlike the Romans, however, they believed that this power did not come from the written word itself but from the magic inherent in their own alphabet. This belief is reflected in some of the names of the runes; for example, one was called "the letter of victory", while another was named "the letter of joy".

The Vikings used runes to record events and communicate with each other. They were also used in magical spells, often carved on stones or cast into objects like swords. Because the Vikings lived a very long time ago (and there are few records), we do not know exactly how they were used. What we do know about them is thanks to archaeological discoveries like the inscription in Old Futhark on the Golden Horns of Gallehus in Jutland, Denmark. It's one of the oldest known inscriptions containing the 24 runes.

Wearing these symbols today allows us to honor the intrepid warriors of the past and embrace the power within us. Each rune holds a unique meaning, allowing us to tap into wisdom and guidance. So wear your Viking symbol proudly, whether it's a rune ring or a rune necklace, and know that you are perpetuating a tradition passed down through the centuries. You embody the strength and wisdom of your ancestors and continue to keep their legacy alive.



The Troll Cross is a very popular symbol in Scandinavian culture, and has been for centuries. The cross is a representation of the hammer used by Thor to kill giants, a story which holds a significant place in Norse mythology. Nowadays, the Troll Cross is often used as a symbol of protection and luck, and is frequently worn as a pendant or placed on amulets and talismans. It is also sometimes used in rituals and spells for protection and to ward off negative energies.

The Nordic peoples believed that trolls were the physical manifestation of chaos, often appearing as hideous beasts that devoured humans and animals. Their formidable physical appearance and behavior made them feared among common folk, and it was believed that wearing a silver cross would protect its bearer from these creatures. Mirrors were also used for protection, as they reflected the image of the trolls back onto themselves - in some stories, trolls are unable to tolerate their own reflection.

Today's troll is the internet era's version of its ancient ancestor. Instead of appearing as monstrous creatures, trolls now prowl online where anyone can become a victim of their malicious acts. To combat these trolls, you can use many of the same methods that were used in antiquity:

  • Use your own power against them by engaging and defending yourself.

  • Protect yourself with a symbol of protection that has meaning for you.



The Nordic triple horn is a traditional symbol representing Viking culture and mythology. It's a three-pronged symbol often found on Scandinavian artifacts such as jewelry, artworks, and textiles. The triple horn consists of three symmetrical prongs connected by straight lines, forming a perfect equilateral triangle. Within the triangle is the head or skull of an animal with two horns extending from the skull. This horned animal probably represents how the Vikings perceived the symbolic meaning of animals — they were used to express human traits and were a common theme in the art of this culture. This specific motif is also called Odin's stag (or "hart") due to its resemblance to the head and horns of a stag.

The symbol itself dates back to prehistory and has been found in Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. The features of the Nordic triple horn include its three points, representing the past (the lower point), the present (the middle point), and the future (the upper point). It is also said to represent the three corners of the world: the north (top point), the east (left point), and the west (right point).

Today, the Nordic triple horn remains an important cultural symbol in Scandinavian countries and is often used as a decorative element in modern design. It is also used as a symbol of pride and heritage among those of Scandinavian descent.

A powerful and inspiring reminder of the importance of balance, harmony, and unity. By incorporating this symbol into our daily lives, we can be reminded to seek balance in all aspects of our lives, including relationships, work, and personal growth. The triple horn represents the three aspects of ourselves: body, mind, and soul - their interconnection. By aligning these three aspects of ourselves, we can live more fulfilled and harmonious lives. A light that guides us and encourages us to seek balance and unity in everything we do; it is a symbol of strength, resilience, and the power of the human spirit. Whether we wear it as a talisman or keep it close as a reminder, it can be a source of inspiration and motivation to live our best lives!



The triquetra symbol is common in Celtic art, appearing on everything from stone carvings to stained glass. It's also a popular tattoo design and has been used to represent the concept of eternity. The triquetra is a lasting symbol of unity and balance. It represents the three realms of this universe: earth, sea, and sky, as well as the three phases of life: birth, death, and rebirth.

For centuries, it was used mainly as decoration on jewelry and other objects. However, it began to take on a more prevalent religious meaning after Saint Patrick adopted it in the 5th century as a symbol of Christianity. Since then, the triquetra has been used in various forms of Christian iconography to represent the Holy Trinity; however, this use is not universal and many modern Christians do not recognize it as such. Indeed, some Christians refer to the pattern by its name as a "trinity knot" while others may see it as a pagan symbol and choose not to use it at all.

The name of the triquetra is derived from the Latin "tri-quetrus" meaning "three-cornered". In ancient Ireland, it was believed that the triquetra would protect against evil spirits and bring good fortune to those who wore it. This belief system spread to Scotland and Northern England, where the symbol was used to represent a marriage vow: "For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health."

The Triquetra is a symbol that represents the interconnection of the spirit, body, and soul. It reminds us to embrace and nurture all aspects of our being. This symbol also represents the unity and balance of the three forces - earth, sky, and sea - and can be used to guide us toward a more harmonious life.



The triskele is a three-branched symbol that was widely used in Celtic art, often as decoration on shields and other war equipment. The exact origins of the triskele are unknown, but it is likely that it finds its roots in pre-Celtic art forms. It can be found as far north as Scandinavia and as far south as Spain, where the Celts formed alliances with the Iberians against Hannibal. It is also found in Ireland, Britain, and France; during the Roman conquests of these regions, the triskele became associated with Mercury. The Greeks called it the triquetra and associated it with their own god of commerce and profit, Hermes.

In Celtic art, the triskele was often used to represent a variety of things. For example, it symbolized the three realms of earth, sea, and sky; the three stages of life (birth, life, and death); the three cycles of time (youth, adulthood, and old age); for fire (as in "the forge"), water (as in "the well") and earth (as in "the plow").

In antiquity, the triskele was associated with several different things. The Celts used it to represent their idea of a "cosmic pillar", described both as an axis mundi (a universal center) and an axis terrae (a central point on Earth). It was also considered a symbol of sovereignty and leadership, representing the presence of the king or queen in all corners of their realm.

Beyond its symbolic meanings, the triskele is also thought to possess spiritual and magical properties. It is believed to bring luck, prosperity, and protection to those who wear or display it.

The symbol of the triskelion is a powerful reminder to embrace the natural ebb and flow of life and to find harmony within ourselves and in the world around us. Furthermore, the three spirals symbolize the past, present, and future, reminding us to honor our roots while moving forward and embracing new opportunities. Whether through meditation, art, or simply by wearing the symbol as a reminder, the triskele can serve as a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery.


Viking dragons

In Norse mythologies, dragons were depicted as large serpentine creatures with wings and sharp teeth. They were considered powerful and terrifying beasts, often associated with treasures and wealth.

Fafnir, one of the most famous dragons in Norse mythology, was a giant serpent guarding a treasure of gold. Originally, Fafnir was a human prince, but after killing his father to claim the gold, he was transformed into a dragon by Odin as a punishment for his greed – he forced Fafnir to lie on his gold hoard eternally so that he could never move or remove anything, even if someone came and tried to take some gold. The only way to access the gold was to wait for Fafnir to fall asleep (which was already a feat in itself) and then to dig into the pile without touching his flesh (which would turn you into stone).

Among other dragons in Norse mythology were Jörmungandr, who encircled the world, and Nidhogg, the dragon that gnawed at the roots of the world-tree, Yggdrasil.

Dragons were also associated with fire and were sometimes depicted breathing fire or guarding treasures. They were linked to chaos and destruction as well, and were sometimes shown causing natural disasters or engaging in battles with other mythical creatures.

The Norse Dragon symbol is a powerful way to connect with the noble and courageous creatures of ancient Norway. Representing strength and bravery, wearing this symbol, for example in the form of a dragon ring, helps you channel these qualities into your own life by reminding you to stay true to your values and to never give up on your goals.



Large wolves hold an important place in the mythology of many ancient cultures, and there are signs throughout history that humanity has had an ambivalent relationship with wolves. Indeed, many cultures viewed these animals with suspicion and disgust as they were much more powerful than humans and much larger than other predators in their region. However, this Norse legend also shows us how the Vikings saw themselves as a part of nature – an extension of it – and believed that all creatures should be allowed to live their lives freely.

Fenrir, a significant character in Norse mythology, plays an essential role in the fascinating pantheon of gods, giants, and other mythical beings. Fenrir was born from the union of two giants, as part of a prophecy that predicted he would be destined to kill Odin, the chief of the Norse gods. Odin was so fearful of this prophecy that he tricked Fenrir into being bound with a magical chain atop a mountain. Fenrir remained bound until Ragnarök (the end of the world), where he would free himself and devour Odin.

Wearing the symbol of Fenrir represents a powerful and inspiring message. Fenrir, also known as the "wolf of the North," embodies strength, resilience, and the struggle for survival. Whether you are facing challenges in your personal life or striving for success in your career, the symbol of Fenrir serves as a reminder to remain strong, keep moving forward, and never give up. Wear a Fenrir pendant with pride and let its meaning fuel your determination and will to succeed.



Jörmungandr is one of the most fascinating creatures in Norse mythology. It is an enormous sea serpent said to be so large that it encircles the world completely, holding its tail in its mouth, keeping it anchored in the ocean's depths. It is one of the three children of the god Loki and the giantess Angrboda, who are responsible for many calamities that befall humanity.

There are two accounts regarding the birth of Jörmungandr. In one version, Loki falls in love with Angrboda and has a liaison with her in a cave. The result of this union is a creature resembling a great serpent that frightens even the gods. When Odin discovers what has happened, he forces Loki to take on the role of nursemaid to his "children". Arguing that he cannot care for such vile beasts, Loki places Jörmungandr in the sea and entrusts his brother Fenrir to Odin to be raised (or, according to some versions, throws Fenrir into a river).

Jörmungandr is said to be destined to fight Thor during Ragnarök. It is said that when Jörmungandr dies, Odin will offer Thor an afterlife filled with pleasures such as eating, drinking, and other joys of life. According to some stories, Jörmungandr will grow so much that it will reach all around the world and bite its own tail, forming a ring around the world called Miðgarðsormur or the Midgard Serpent.

Jörmungandr holds significant importance in Norse mythology as a powerful and influential figure. Its depiction embodies the cyclical nature of existence and is revered as one of the most powerful beings in Nordic culture.

If you wish to feel powerful and ready to conquer any obstacle that comes your way, consider wearing this symbol as a Jörmungandr bracelet or a Jörmungandr necklace. It can serve as a constant reminder of the inner power and strength within you. It represents the ability to overcome challenges and adversities, as Jörmungandr was said to encircle the entire world. Wearing this symbol, you can draw from this inner strength and be inspired in your own life journey.



Crows hold a prominent place in Norse mythology, perceived as symbols of intelligence, memory, and prophecy. Odin's ravens, Huginn (thought) and Muninn (memory), traverse the realms daily to gather information for him, testifying to his quest for knowledge and his preparation for any eventuality.

The daily flight of the birds represents the conscious and subconscious mind, the accumulation of wisdom, and the reminiscence of experience. They serve as a reminder that within the Norse tradition, knowledge and memory are crucial for survival and success.

The duality of the ravens also embodies the balance one must maintain between active thought and memory - it is not enough to be intelligent and wise, but one must also remember the lessons of the past.



The Viking raven symbol is often worn or displayed to inspire wisdom and reflection. As a pendant, it can serve as a daily reminder to seek knowledge and to remember the lessons from your experiences. It encourages a balanced perspective and can inspire one to be observant and aware, much like Odin's ravens who miss nothing in their flight through the skies.

By embracing the symbolism of Huginn and Muninn, you can tap into the Nordic virtues of wisdom and foresight in your own life, ensuring that your decisions and memories serve you in forging a wise path into the future.



Wolves are powerful predators in the animal kingdom, and humans have always been aware of this. While wolves may appear tame, domesticated, and gentle, they are also fiercely loyal to their pack and will defend their territory with power and ferocity. In Norse mythology, wolves were seen as powerful creatures, often the companions of the god Odin.

It is said that Odin had two wolves named Geri and Freki. These wolves were reputed to be always by Odin's side, ready to tear apart anyone who threatened the god or his family. While Odin's wolf companions were known for their loyalty and ferocity in battle, they were also recognized for their kindness and affection towards Odin. They stayed by his side through all his trials, even when he sacrificed an eye to gain wisdom from the giant Mimir. Their loyalty became legendary among the Nordic people.

In one story involving Odin and his wolves, the god was traveling incognito when a giant named Geirrod attacked him. With a single look from Odin, Geirrod's eyes burst from their sockets. Fearing further violence from Odin, Geirrod invited the god into his home to offer him hospitality.

Customized viking portrait

The wolf plays an important role in Viking funeral rites, where it is seen as the faithful companion of the soul on its journey to Valhalla. In this legend, when a Viking warrior dies in battle, his soul travels to Valhalla (the great hall where the god Odin receives all fallen warriors) with his wolf by his side. There are also many references to "the Age of the Wolf," which marks an era of destruction occurring during Ragnarok (the end of times).

The Nordic symbol of the wolf is a powerful and inspiring image that represents strength, loyalty, and determination. Wolves were fierce creatures that fought for their family and pack. They were also intelligent, as evidenced by their ability to adapt and survive in hostile environments. This image can help you draw from the strength, courage, and determination of the Viking people, as well as inspire you in your own life.


Sleipnir, Odin's 8-legged horse

Sleipnir is a mythical creature from Norse mythology, said to be Odin's eight-legged horse. According to legend, Sleipnir was born when Loki, the Nordic trickster god, transformed into a mare to seduce the stallion of a giant, resulting in Sleipnir's birth.

Sleipnir is described as the fastest horse in the world, capable of traveling through the nine realms of Norse mythology and even between the realms of the living and the dead. It is also depicted as capable of bearing the weight of the entire Norse pantheon, making it a powerful and formidable creature.

In Norse mythology, Sleipnir is often associated with Odin, the chief of the gods, who is said to have ridden Sleipnir into battle. Sleipnir is also considered a symbol of speed, power, and strength, and is revered by many as a deity in its own right.

Today, Sleipnir has become a popular figure in Norse mythology and has been depicted in various media, including literature, films, and video games. Though a mythical creature, Sleipnir remains an important and influential figure in Norse mythology and continues to inspire people around the world.

The symbol of Sleipnir is an incredibly powerful and inspiring reminder of the potential that exists within each of us. It represents an eight-legged horse said to be the mount of the Norse god Odin, signifying the ability to overcome obstacles and achieve great things. It serves as a reminder to never give up and always move forward, no matter what life throws our way!



According to legend, Yggdrasil is an immense tree that serves as the center of the Nine Worlds (the nine realms inhabited by the Norse gods and other beings). In addition to being the connection point between these worlds, it also brings them life. It bears fruits that provide sustenance for humans and animals, and its roots are said to be nourished by the water from the Well of Urd (a source located in Asgard, the realm of the gods).

Yggdrasil's roots extend deeply into the ground. It also has branches that extend above the ground, and it is here that we find its connections with other aspects of Norse mythology. The three main branches of Yggdrasil lead to Asgard, the home of the Aesir gods; to Midgard, where humans live; and finally, to Jotunheim, the land of the giants.

Yggdrasil, also known as the "tree of life," holds immense power and magic within it. According to mythology, Odin hung from its branches for nine days and nights to gain wisdom and foresight. This act of self-sacrifice underscores the significance of the tree of life in Norse mythology.

The prophecy of Ragnarok predicts the destruction of Yggdrasil and with it, the end of all life. However, the charred remains of the tree of life will give birth to a new generation of gods, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos and destruction of Ragnarok.

The importance of Viking symbols can be seen in the various depictions of Yggdrasil, which represents the Norse cosmos. The identity of the tree changes over time depending on the story, sometimes depicted as an ash, a conifer, or a lime tree. However, one constant remains: it always plays a central role. Additionally, there are different versions of the tree's roots, trunk, and branches, underscoring the importance of interpretation and the fluidity of Viking symbols in Norse mythology.

The symbol of Yggdrasil, originating from the Viking era, signifies the interconnection of all entities in the universe. It emphasizes that every particle, no matter how small, and every galaxy, no matter how vast, has a role and a place in the grand scheme of things. By adopting the symbol of Yggdrasil, such as a Yggdrasil watch or a Yggdrasil ring, allows us to explore this interconnectedness and attain a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in our lives. It can enable us to make a positive difference in the world.



One of the most famous Viking symbols is Mjölnir, also known as Thor's hammer. According to Norse mythology, the gods commissioned the dwarfs Brokkr and Sindri to forge the hammer. This story is found in the poem Skírnismál, which is part of the Poetic Edda manuscripts. For those fascinated by Viking symbols, Mjölnir is a must-know.

Thor was able to use Mjölnir to travel between the realm of Asgard and Earth with ease, which made it a valuable asset when he needed to defend his people against giants or other mythical creatures. He also uses it every time he goes to battle against great enemy forces, using its lightning strikes to destroy entire armies at once. In some stories, Mjölnir also has the ability to magically return to its owner if it gets too far away; this means that anyone who might take possession of the weapon would be unable to wield it without Thor's permission.

Mjölnir has been used as a sacred symbol for thousands of years. The oldest known representation is found on the Snoldelev Stone, which was carved by Vikings between 800 and 900 AD. In the 12th century, Mjölnir began to appear on pendants and amulets. A decade later, it became an integral part of funeral rites performed for those who died at sea. It had become an emblem of power and protection, showing that those who wore it would not get lost at sea; they would be brought back safely to their families. This meaning is still present in many cultures that have adopted Mjölnir over time, including modern America.

As you can imagine, Mjölnir is a rather important weapon. It is associated with many other symbols from the Viking Age. In fact, it even has its own rune: Mjölnir is spelled using the Uruz rune, which represents strength and fertility. The hammer was also seen as a symbol of authority and strength. Only those who were worthy could wield it, as it was said to respond only to those who had a pure heart and great courage.

The symbol of Mjölnir represents strength, protection, and power. It reminds us that we have the ability to overcome any obstacle and to defend what is right. By using the symbol of Mjölnir, we embrace our inner warrior, committing to defend our values and beliefs. Overall, it's a powerful reminder to stay true to ourselves and stand up for what we believe in. Find in our shop Mjölnir coats or Thor's necklace.



The Gungnir, one of the renowned Viking symbols, is a spear of mythical proportions believed to be used by the Norse god Odin. According to legend, the dwarves forged Gungnir with unmatched skill, ensuring it never missed its target and always hit its mark with precision.

The tale of Gungnir's creation unfolds in two parts: the first recounts how Odin used his spear to slay a magical horse (Sleipnir) and shape its hair into a spear shaft. The second part tells how Odin's wife, Frigg, disguised as an old woman, requested three dwarves to make her a spear. The dwarves crafted a spear adorned with gold and silver that could never miss its target. Frigg returned the spear to Odin, who named it Gungnir.

The spear is also known by the name Gungner (in Old Norse "the swayer") or "the Swaying One". Scholars suggest its name refers to Odin's use of it to symbolically sway or bring back the slain warriors on the battlefield during his role as the leader of Valhalla's Einherjar.

Odin's spear, Gungnir, is famed for its unparalleled precision and accuracy. It has garnered a reputation for always hitting the intended target, an attribute credited to the excellent craftsmanship behind it and the special bond between Odin and the weapon. In Norse mythology, it is said that Gungnir was guided by Odin's hand and, as such, always knew where to find him.

The symbol of Gungnir represents strength, power, and determination. It is a symbol that reminds us to always aim high, seek greatness, and never give up on our dreams. It encourages us to face challenges head-on and to let nothing stand in our way. Whether we are working towards personal or professional achievements, may the symbol of Gungnir be your guiding light and inspire you to greatness every day.


The Viking axe

The strength and skill of the Vikings are embodied in the Viking axe - one of the most famous Viking symbols. This everyday tool was a vital element of their culture, used for building their homes, navigating the seas, and even preparing their meals. Yet, the Viking axe also served as a formidable weapon in battle, showcasing the fierce and relentless nature of the Vikings.

The Vikings were master craftsmen, and they made their axes with great care and skill. The axes were forged in iron or steel and featured a tapered blade affixed to a long hardwood handle. The axe head was attached to the handle using a wooden peg that inserted into a hole drilled in the center of the blade, keeping it secure even under heavy stress.

In the Viking age, the axe was an extension of its user's body. Vikings carried axes wherever they went and used them for tasks ranging from daily chores to worship and war. Axes were so important to the Vikings that they were often buried with their owners upon death. Due to their essential role in daily life, they also played a significant role in Viking art and culture.

The Viking axe is an artifact found in archaeological sites across Scandinavia and Northern Europe. It was the weapon of choice for raiders and traders who extended as far as Russia and beyond. The axe was a highly useful tool, and its importance went beyond that of a mere weapon. It even held spiritual significance for the Vikings: they believed their weapons were possessed by the spirits of past warriors.

Jewelry bearing the Viking axe is much more than just a fashionable accessory - it represents the strength, determination, and honor of Viking culture. Wearing a Viking axe pendant or bracelet can serve as a reminder to stay true to one's own values and beliefs, and to always aspire to greatness. The intricate designs and craftsmanship of these pieces also make them a unique and meaningful gift for someone special in your life. Whether you are a history enthusiast or simply appreciate the robust beauty of Viking culture, Viking axe jewelry is a powerful and inspiring choice.

The strength, courage, and determination of the ancient Viking warriors are symbolized by the Viking Axe. These formidable northern fighters have left a rich cultural and historical legacy that we can honor by tapping into the powerful energy of their symbols. The symbol of the Viking Axe inspires us to be brave and bold, reminding us to remain steadfast in our pursuit of excellence and victory.


Berserker bears

Berserkers were a group of Nordic warriors known for their ferocity in battle. They were believed to be possessed by the spirit of the bear, giving them superhuman strength and an insatiable appetite for combat.

The word "Berserker" comes from the Old Norse "berserkr", itself derived from the words "ber" and "serkr". "Ber" means bear in Old Norse, and "serkr" refers to a shirt or coat. While some sources claim that berserkers wore bear skin shirts into battle, others believe the name might come from their habit of wearing only a simple loincloth in combat.

The term "Berserker" was not necessarily used to describe a single group of people - it was rather a title given to those who entered battle in this state. This typically happened when a group of Vikings felt they had no choice but to fight an enemy they could not defeat by other means. If a person became a berserker, they would be described as such, whether they were Viking or not.

Berserkers' prowess in combat is also described in many accounts of Viking explorers who encountered lands foreign to them. When they found no way to settle peacefully, berserkers were sent to scout the land and observe its inhabitants. If they saw something that concerned them, such as a fortress or an army too powerful for their own forces, the berserker scouts would return to camp and incite their fellows with "a wild fury".

In addition to being a great honor for the selected warriors, berserkers also served as a source of entertainment for those left behind. Similar to modern professional wrestling, people came from far and wide to watch these fierce fighters clash in public displays.

The Berserker symbol can be a powerful reminder to tap into our inner strength and determination. It represents the fierce warrior spirit that lives within each of us. When faced with challenges or obstacles, consider incorporating the Berserker symbol into your life as a source of inspiration and motivation to keep moving forward and achieve your goals.



The Viking longship, also known as Drakkar, is an iconic representation of Norse heritage. These Viking ships were constructed with both practicality and symbolism in mind, providing Vikings with a fast means of transport for their raids, pillaging, and exploring new territories with minimal resources. Longships, among other Viking symbols, played a significant role in important cultural events, including funerals and weddings, as well as in Norse mythology, art, and storytelling.

Viking ships were made of oak and measured approximately 12 meters in length (though actual measurements varied based on the size of each ship). They had shallow keels so they could be easily beached on land, but their high stern and bow meant they could also sail well in open sea. The ships had a rudder carved from wood, which was attached to the hull by an iron chain. The sails were made of wool or linen.

A longship was a sleek and fast vessel that allowed for swift attacks and quick getaways. The ships were light, yet sturdy enough to accommodate several men (typically 30 to 40), one or two oxen to aid in rowing, and all the necessary supplies for such a journey. Vikings used their longships to conduct raids, explore new territories, transport goods and settlers between Iceland and Scandinavia, and even settle in Greenland.

Longships had a distinctive appearance: they were narrow yet broad enough to allow six rowers on each side while still having enough room for additional fighters if necessary. They also featured a shallow keel that made them very stable in calm waters, as well as in rough seas thanks to the smooth curves of their hulls. The ship could sail at speeds up to 12 knots with favorable winds - an accomplishment considered impressive even today!


Viking longship

One of the most famous Viking symbols is the Drakkar, representing a fearless warrior who fears no challenge. It reminds you to be brave and to never back down from a fight. Wearing the symbol of the Drakkar can help you tap into that warrior spirit and gain the strength to overcome any obstacles.




The renowned Viking symbol, Mjölnir, possesses immense power and is known as the hammer of Thor.

As an iconic Viking symbol, Mjölnir holds magical properties that allow only the worthy to wield it. Once conferred upon a Viking, Mjölnir granted them the strength to repel evil beings and protect their clan from all harm.

The word "mjölnir" translates to "that which crushes" or "that which grinds", thus reinforcing its reputation as a symbol of strength and destruction. With its extraordinary capabilities, Thor's hammer became an essential tool for vanquishing enemies in battle and eliminating other evil forces that threatened humanity.


In the tales of Norse mythology and Viking tradition, the valknut emerges as a powerful symbol of the brave and valiant warrior. Some believe it represents Odin, the god of war and death, while others see it as a symbol of the interconnectedness of life and death.

In battle, the valknut was a sacred emblem that warriors would carve into their flesh, hoping that the Valkyries would see it and guide their soul to the halls of Valhalla if they fell as a warrior slain in combat.


The hammer of Thor is a widely recognized symbol of good luck in Nordic culture, often depicted on many structures, including some churches across Scandinavia. Its significance lies in Thor's ability to protect humanity from evil forces, embodying his strength and protective capabilities.

Customized viking portrait

1 Response

Carol Michell
Carol Michell

September 10, 2024

Es increíble toda ma información y datos tan importantes de estos maravillosos símbolos nórdicos muchas gracias

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