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Wolf Jewelry Collection | Inspired by Nordic Tradation!

The symbol of the wolf is omnipresent in Viking culture and mythology. This animal refers to the strength, ferocity, but also to the determination of the Viking! Indissociable from the Viking culture, this majestic animal is evoked in the majority of Scandinavian legends.

Alternately benevolent companion, vile enemy or symbol of respect and durability, one cannot be interested in Viking culture without knowing the various facets of the wolf. An inexhaustible source of stories and ancestral tales, it inspires our three collections of Viking Wolf jewelry that we are honored to present to you.

Our strong collection of Loup jewelry

Our collection of wolf jewelry is the result of the union of Nordic know-how and modern manufacturing techniques. It is a testimony to our deep passion for the Vikings. Inspired by the same ancestral Nordic spirit, our boutique proudly presents the most sumptuous collection of wolf jewelry, full of history, mysticism and spirituality.

Each piece of our wolf jewelry collection is the result of our craftsmen's infatuation with the Viking culture. Far from being simple ornaments, our creations tell a part of Viking history and pay tribute to their admirable values.

In addition to being accessible to all budgets, you can choose from a multitude of models and designs. Each item stands out with its own story and unique mystical powers. Discover :

  • A choice of wolf bracelets, ideal for those who have a soul of warrior or warrioress;
  • A selection of wolf necklaces perfect for the most distinguished and refined among you;
  • The wolf rings, ultimate emblem of the Nordic belonging.

With their neutral designs, gentlemen and ladies alike can borrow from our jewelry collection to reconnect with their Viking soul. Whatever your style, you're sure to stand out with this unique Nordic touch.

The wolf rings, the Viking symbol par excellence!

The Wolf rings represent one of the major Viking symbols. This Scandinavian jewel par excellence marks the Viking identity of the wearer. Nordic women and men were reluctant to part with them, even taking them to their graves, accompanying them on their journey to the afterlife.

This mystical side of wolf rings has long puzzled historians, only recently being answered by a discovery that stands out from the crowd.

During the fall of 2015, a Viking ring was discovered in Goa, an ancestral region of the Viking civilization, located in the western region of Norway. This Viking ring, made of two wolf heads in a spiral shape, dates back to the height of the Viking Age; between the year 900 and 1000 AD.

This historical discovery is unparalleled, as it demonstrates the intimacy of the Viking culture's connection to the wolf symbol. Alas, the question of what the ring symbolizes remains:

  • Could it be the wolf Fenrir? The wolf of destruction and the most powerful creature of Scandinavian culture might be represented on this jewel. It could also symbolize his two sons, the wolves Hati and Sköll. In either case, its discovery raises the subject of the end of time, and would be considered by some as an omen of the Ragnarök.
  • Or would it be rather the two wolves of the god Odin, Geri and Freki? Faithful companions of the father of the gods, they symbolize the Scandinavian belief and the protection he provides.

Whether it is one or the other, wolf rings are a symbol of loyalty and wealth. The legend of Odin's ring "Draupnir" supports this. This magical gold ring multiplies every 9 days, giving 8 other similar copies. Its owner is destined to a life of lust and wealth.

Wolf bracelets, sacred symbol of the Viking bond

Wolf bracelets are both a symbol of virility, considered the greatest trophy of a Scandinavian warrior, but also an emblem of femininity adorning Viking women. This double symbolism, which may seem paradoxical, comes from the very particular meaning of wolf bracelets:

  • The wolf is the symbol of the warrior: fierce in battle, it shows no mercy to its enemies. Viking warriors wore a wolf bracelet to gain strength and courage in battle;
  • It embodies the protection of the god Odin: The wolf is one of the countless symbols of the god Odin. Indeed, Odin is the god of death, and of fallen warriors. The wolf being intimately linked to sacrifice, the analogy is established in several Scandinavian legends. He also embodies the protection through the two wolves of Odin; Geri and Freki, who protect him and his throne;
  • It represents a sacred link: The bracelet, in the form of a circle or ring, symbolizes unity in the Nordic culture. This explains why Viking troops of the same faction wear identical wolf bracelets, to symbolize the indestructible link that binds them in life and in death;
  • It is a symbol of loyalty: The wolf is a faithful animal that never abandons its troop. This is why it is used in Viking wedding ceremonies. It is a promise of eternal fidelity between the newlyweds.

In addition to all these meanings, both mystical and divine, the wolf bracelet is the perfect companion for Viking women. Worthy of the alpha females, they occupy a central place in society. They are owed respect and homage, just like the most valiant fighters.

The mystical power of wolf necklaces and pendants

Wolf necklaces are the most popular and widespread Scandinavian jewelry from the Viking era. Wolf pendants could have many designs, and various meanings: the wolf one was undeniably the king's share.

Wolf necklaces and pendants are a great Nordic emblem, combining a sense of belonging with pride in Viking identity. Yet their meanings differ greatly depending on the context:

  • In the Viking warrior: The wolf necklaces and pendants are the emblem par excellence of the Viking warriors. It is above all a relic allowing to implore the protection of the god Odin during the fights, and to move away the death as much as possible. A very particular category of warriors, the Berserkers, invoke the fury of the wolf with their pendants;
  • A figure of the Scandinavian woman: The famous goddess Freya, goddess of grace and strength, wore a wolf pendant around her neck. This is why it is customary for every new Viking bride to wear a wolf necklace upon her union. It promises to bring fertility and prosperity to the couple;
  • A mystical object: The central role of women in Viking society is unequivocal. The wives of the village chief were "Völva", women with divinatory powers. This art comes directly from the goddess Freya who gave it to the most daring women. Only, to be able to master it, they had to have a wolf necklace made of beads with unique mystical properties.

Our collection of wolf necklaces and pendants is inspired by this same mystical essence. You will find in each of our models allusions that will take you back to the very roots of Viking legends.

The wolves of Norse mythology

To fully appreciate the viking jewelry  collections we offer, let's demystify together the origins of the wolf symbol in Viking mythology.

Fenrir, the prophet of destruction

Illegitimate child of the god Loki, the wolf Fenrir is the incarnation of chaos and carnage. Initially raised in Asgard, kingdom of the Aesir gods, he quickly became too great a danger for the pantheon of Nordic deities. From an early age, nothing and no one could control him or his raging fits of rage.

The gods finally decided to imprison him after a priestess predicted that he would kill the god Odin. To prevent this prophecy from coming true, a magical bond; the "Gleipnir" was put in place to contain Fenrir. Unfortunately, even this barrier will not hold forever!

Fenrir will break free during the Ragnarök. With his fury and thirst for vengeance, he will single-handedly swallow up half of the Viking world, and as the prophecy foretold, Odin will succumb to this destructive force.

Sköll and Hati, sons of Fenrir

They are the children of the terrible wolf Fenrir and the giantess "Iarnvidia". Sköll or "hostility" and Hati "hatred" pursue respectively the gods of the sun and the moon. According to Norse mythology, it is partly because of these two wolves that the succession of day and night exists.

During the Ragnarök, Sköll and Hati will finally catch up with these two celestial stars and will end up devouring them. While Fenrir ravages the earth, Sköll and Hati swallow all the stars in the sky.

Odin, the ultimate symbol of the wolf

In the Viking culture, the wolf is an animal that is linked to death. Odin, being the god of the dead, the symbol of the wolf was logically imposed on him. It seems that it is both a metaphor representing the power and devastating force of Odin, but also a way to invoke his protection.

Odin is accompanied by many animals, but the most faithful are the wolves Geri and Freki. According to the legends, their voracity and power are such that even the other gods fear their presence.

Do you want to wear the Viking symbols that are so dear to your heart? If the wolf is your favorite badge, we invite you to discover our collections of Viking jewelry. You'll find countless models imbued with the Viking essence in an elegant modern look.